If you need to reach us immediatley, please email us at info@pas-intervention.org.

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Parental Alienation Support & Intervention


To become a member:
It is simple, dirt cheap at $50 and billed once a year.  This membership includes international/local support groups. free webinars, reduced consulting rates, tons of resources and the largest searchable directory of experts, professionals and articles.
Please go to the following link to complete the intake form and membership.  Read all the way through the intake as there is a piece on "how to write a chronology of events.


Contact Information

Membership Information

We strongly recommend that all member clients be in therapy with a trauma therapist who also has extensive education in coercive control and parental alienation.

Lastly, membership is required for us to assist you and give you access to our private closed support groups internationally and locally as well as get notifications on webinars. It is dirt cheap at $50 once a year for parents/extended family and $100 for Professionals. With the membership, our professionals list is free, as is our Local & International online support group.

Go to the following webpage webpage to pick a plan: https://www.pas-intervention.org/Pay-Yearly-Membership-Dues

For additional intensive coaching, consulting and support, there is a $50 an hour consulting fee whether over the phone or in person on all cases or if extensive email exchanges are needed. This helps to pay for our employees time and resources.

By responding to these questions, it is our way of getting your agreement to the privacy and confidentiality of the members past, present and future.

I agree to the Terms & Conditions

For additional donations or if you have completed the Intake and just need to activate or reactivate your membership, use the links below:
As of 2025:

Some important changes to PAS Intervention's service structure that will help us better serve your needs.

Beginning January 1, 2025, PASI is transitioning to an expert consultation-focused platform. This new structure will allow us to provide more targeted, specialized support while maintaining the high level of expertise you've come to expect from us.  The website will still have lots of resources that you can access under your annual membership.

We will respond with a detailed answer to your application for membership.  Any additional support is now a paid consultation fee.  There are two options, phone/Zoom or e-mail.

Our New Service Options:

  1. Expert Consultations by phone or Zoom:
  1. Communication Package via e-mail:

You can cancel the Communication Package anytime. To resume monthly email consultations with experts, you'll need to reactivate your subscription.

We believe these changes will allow us to provide more focused, efficient support while giving you greater flexibility in how you utilize our services. Our commitment to delivering exceptional guidance and support remains unchanged.  And, these changes will help us achieve financial stability for the nonprofit.

If you have any questions about these changes or would like to discuss which option best suits your needs, please don't hesitate to reach out. We're here to ensure a smooth transition and continue supporting your success.

Thank you for your continued trust in PASI. We look forward to serving you in this enhanced capacity.

Warm regards,

Joan Kloth-Zanard

Founder and Executive Director of PAS Intervention