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Parental Alienation Support & Intervention

Choosing the right Therapy

Traditional Family Therapy should never be used in Parental Alienation cases.  It identitifies the wrong patient.  The parent who is targeted and alienated is the identified patient.  The children are just pawns of the alienator who is using domestic violence by proxy to continue their abuse through others and agencies and the courts.

The appropriate therapy uses Family Systems and Structural Family Therapy.

Below are articles about appropriate therapy and why Traditional Family Therapy is dangerous.

A Roadmap for the Treatment of Parental

Gottlieb, Linda - Children are harmed when professionals reject science.pdf

Harman Kruk and Hines 2018 - An Unacknowledged Form of Family Violence.pdf

Joshi - Parental Alienation - Traditional Therapy Will NOT Work.pdf

Vesell, Hillary - Parental Alienation And Reconciliation Therapy- Moving Toward Healthy Families

Warshak, 2015, Ten Fallacies.pdf

Warshak - Excerpt from Ten Parental Alienation Fallacies That Compromise Decisions in Court and in Therapy.docx