If you need to reach us immediatley, please email us at info@pas-intervention.org.
There is a growing body of educational trainings and programs that address Parental Alienation. Some of these are college programs. Some are CEU based programs. Some are just educational in nature. The list below is by far NOT definitive. Just some of the many resources out there.
Parental Alienation Journal Seminar Series
Are you a judicial, mental health or legal professional who would like to learn more about the empirical basis for parental alienation? Would you like to brush up on your knowledge of scientific methodology and how to communicate this information better to the public (e.g., family courts, policy-makers, the media)? Then please consider joining this bi-weekly seminar series.
There have been several hundred studies on parental alienation published in 10 languages through 2020 (Harman, Warshak, Lorandos, & Florian, 2022), and many more since that time. Forty percent of what we know on the topic has been published since 2016, so it falls to professionals working with families to update their knowledge base to better serve them.
Post Graduate Certificate in Parental Alienation Studies.
There is growing awareness of the widespread harm caused by Parental Alienation to children, young people, individuals, families and society at large.
In an experiential and participative environment this program offers learners the opportunity to acquire key skills and theoretical knowledge to effectively engage with individuals and families experiencing Parental Alienation.
Who is this course for?
The Post Graduate Certificate in Parental Alienation Studies is a comprehensive professional training program focused upon identifying, assessing, intervening and reporting effectively with individuals and families experiencing Parental Alienation.
The following are courses and programs that offer additional educational classes:
Pathways Family Coaching Classes:
Lovefraud Courses and Guest Speaker Invitation:
Conflict Institute Classes:
Catherine MacWillie:
This will be coming shortly but feel free to reach out to Catherine for more information.
Judge Anthony:
Beat the Narcissist in your custody battle - https://www.judgeanthony.com/webinar