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Parental Alienation Support & Intervention

Love Fraud Continuing Education

Hello all:

Our friends at Lovefraud.com are offering a webinar series to help survivors of narcissistic abuse truly recover.

Dr. Liane Leedom, a psychiatrist and professor of psychology and counseling, teaches you skills that will enable you to clear your head, deal with stress, gain control of your emotions and manage difficult relationships.

Webinars are presented every Wednesday from now through Dec. 18, 7 to 8:30 pm. After the presentation you can ask questions of Dr. Leedom and Donna Andersen, author of Lovefraud.com. Recordings of previous webinars are available.

The introductory webinar is free. Lovefraud is offering the members of PAS-Intervention a 25% discount on any purchase. Use coupon code:


Below is a list of the webinars in the program, and the coupon works on all of them. This training will help you overcome psychological abuse, relieve emotional pain, and deal with difficult situations.


FREE! Your first step towards real recovery from narcissistic abuse and trauma — free introduction to Dr. Liane Leedom’s groundbreaking skills training for survivors.

Skills training for recovery from narcissistic abuse, gaslighting and toxic stress, presented by Dr. Liane Leedom — save when you buy the full 19-session program for overcoming and dealing with sociopaths.

Mindfulness to clear your head of sociopathic gaslighting — Dr. Liane Leedom teaches you to calm your mind, soothe your senses and let go of emotional suffering.

Recovery from the bodily effects of toxic stress — Dr. Liane Leedom teaches crisis survival skills to help when everything is falling apart.

Strategies for reducing emotional distress and vulnerability — Dr. Liane Leedom teaches you to change your emotional reactions so you can make good decisions.

Evidence-based tools for respectful and fulfilling relationships — Dr. Liane Leedom teaches you how to get what you want and need, even from difficult people.